My Pinterest author site

I’m working away on setting up a Pinterest author site.
Here’s my Pinterest profile:

My first WIP setting is in South Louisiana. Here’s my Louisiana board:

My current WIP setting is in Orcas Island. Here’s my Orcas Island board:

Stop by for a visit.

Ice Art From the Garden Mister

The garden bird bath has a mister that runs everyday throughout the year. This serves to keep the bird bath full and the water fresh. During winter here in maritime  Pacific Northwest we generally have short periods where temperatures drop into the 20’s for a few days. That’s when the mister turns the bird bath into a work of art.

This year from the collection of mist into drops of water on a small Rhododendron branch, a Mister Lady was created. The Lady morphed into a cat or a hermit crab or something. Every year it’s different.

When the temperatures drop I start watching for my favorite winter entertainment.