My Pinterest author site

I’m working away on setting up a Pinterest author site.
Here’s my Pinterest profile:

My first WIP setting is in South Louisiana. Here’s my Louisiana board:

My current WIP setting is in Orcas Island. Here’s my Orcas Island board:

Stop by for a visit.


Pages for my WIP(s) where I post news, lines or scenes, and photos to help fill the reader’s mind with the world of:

  • Lunacy in Otter Cove
  • Seeking Odessa
  • My world, my garden, my other passion besides writing.


Disclaimer: Please be mindful, I don’t always know if a comma is required or where commas go, but before my WIP is transformed into a book to fill your hands and minds, it will be purged of all my pesky grammatical errors. I am blessed to have the full editing services of JKlein-Editor for my manuscripts. However, be warned, my blog posts will be filled with my own errors. Probably lots of errors.